Saturday, 14 December 2013


Urtica ferox- The Tree Nettle

Urtica ferox in Dunedin Botanic Garden

Though generally a safe and hospitable land in terms of predators and poisonous beasties, New Zealand is not entirely devoid of floral hazards that can pack a punch. Case in point- Urtica ferox, the native Tree Nettle or Onganonga. In the same genus as the UK’s own stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), Ongaonga is New Zealand’s very own supercharged endemic equivalent. It is easily distinguished from other members of its genus as its growth habit is that of a woody shrub rather than a herb.  The plant is widely distributed across both the North and South Islands of New Zealand and can mainly be found growing in areas of temperate bushland. Thickets of Ongaonga are not unknown and usually occur in areas of sloped debris. An incredibly hardy plant, Ongaonga is able to withstand temperatures as low as -80C.

Tree Nettle is dioecious, meaning that male and female flowers occur on separate specimens of the plant. Small green flowers borne on spikes up to 8cm in length grow from the leaf axis of the plant between the months of November and March. Pollen from the male flowers is then dispersed by the wind to their female counterparts, which following successful pollination, develop into small, brown nut like fruits of one and half millimetres in length.
Leaves of the mighty Ongaonga

Perhaps the defining feature of the Ongaonga in terms of human interaction with the plant is its incredibly powerful and irritable sting. Stiff, hypodermic needle-like  hairs adorn the plant’s flowers and branches as well as the veins, stalks and edges of the deeply jagged leaves. Each hair is around 6mm in length. When touched the hairs break and release a potent mixture of intoxicants that can result in a host of painful and in very rare cases, deadly reactions. Though rare, there have been accounts of dogs, horses and even one very unfortunate walker meeting their maker at the hands of the Ongaonga’s sting. Fortunately for the rest of us, a brush with the Ongaonga will generally not result in death but rather a great deal of incredible discomfort lasting somewhere in the region of three days. Indeed, the variety and intensity of the symptoms brought on by the Ongaonga’s sting are quite remarkable (see table below).


Possible symptoms following contact with Tree Nettle

Time after contact

Painful, burning sensation

15-20 minutes
Abdominal cramps
Strong burning sensation in feet
Visual blurring

60–90 minutes

Weakness, exhaustion
Pale skin
Breathing problems
Loss of eye sight (!)
Problems regulating body temperature
Problems controlling movement of arms and legs

However, the Ongaonga’s lack of hospitality for the human race does not extend to all creatures. The Tree Nettle plays a vital ecological role in the life cycle of the Red Admiral Butterfly (Vanessa gonerilla), another species endemic to New Zealand. The butterfly lays its eggs amongst the spines of the Ongaonga’s leaves, which are the main food source of the Red Admiral Caterpillar. The caterpillar also uses the plant as protection from predators by folding the leaves around their bodies effectively creating a makeshift tent. Fantastic!
Red Admiral Caterpillar in a tent

Though eradicating the Tree Nettle would undoubtedly remove a potentially harmful element from our environment, the ecological implications for other inhabitants of our planet would be massive. Ongaonga is not just a plant, it is a home and nourishment for other species. Remember this if you are ever stung and your arms and legs start flailing wildy, your vision blurs and your body temperature begins to fluctuate. It may seem like a good idea to go back and exact horticultural vengeance but be mindful folks and look at the bigger picture.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Rock, Water and Alpine

Rock Garden

For the past month I have been maintaining the gardens' Rock, Water and Alpine collections under the guidance of the collections curator, Robyn Abernethy. A diverse collection, the Rock, Water and Alpine section has been in development for over a century and boasts a vast array of beautiful and fascinating plants from around the world.

Dunedin Botanic Gardens’ Rock Garden is located in the lower section of D.B.G and is constructed on a northwest-facing hillside next to Lindsay Creek, a small waterway that flows through the lower gardens. The hospitable topography of the site allows for plants to receive maximum sunlight (bare in mind that this is the southern hemisphere folks- north is the new south!) whilst simultaneously being cooled by the amiable breezes that that blow down along Lindsay Creek. Construction of the rock garden began in January 1904 and was overseen by newly appointed Superintendent David Tannock. In 1911, the garden had grown to be 150m long and was populated by a collection of 150 native plant species.

Over the following century the rock garden has undergone numerous developments. After a period of degradation during the second world war due to lack of labour and supplies, a major renovation of the site was instigated between 1950 and 1960, which saw a reduction of the steepness of the slope on which the garden sat and the addition of terraces on the Lindsay Creek side. An assortment of new and larger rocks were also excavated from nearby ‘Three Mile Hill’ and incorporated into the design. The rock garden remained unchanged until 1989 when a large overgrown area at the north end of the site was developed, boosting it in size to over 2000m2.

Today, the Rock Garden is one of the main features of the lower section of D.B.G, displaying around 940 plant species and cultivars ranging from bulbs and herbaceous perennials through to shrubs and trees. With only a staff of two to maintain the area, weeding it can be a daunting task. However, to the casual observer and the keen eyed horticulturalist alike the Rock Garden in Spring is quite a sight to behold. 

Looking West through the Rock Garden

Echium wildpretii  flowers close up.

Rock Garden circa 1914

Lower Gardens

Alpine House

Though significantly smaller in size than the Rock Garden, the botanics Alpine House displays a fantastic range of exotic alpine plants. Over 700 species from alpine regions around the world are housed in the gardens' propagation department though only around 20 will be displayed at any one time when they are deemed to be looking at their best. 

Alpine Display

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Herb Garden Plant Identification

On the 31st of October, I took part in my second apprentice plant identification test. Our list of plants this time consisted entirely of herbs that can all be found growing in the Dunedin Botanic Gardens Herb Garden. Here is the selection along with a photograph of each.

Angelica- Angelica archangelica

Southernwood- Artemisia abrotanum

Greater Celandine- Chelidonium majus

Teasel- Dipsacus fullonum

Purple Coneflower- Echinacea purpurea

Purple Fennel- Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpurascens'

Dyer's Broom- Genista tinctoria

Rock Crane's Bill- Geranium macrorrhizum

American Pennyroyal- Hedeoma pulegoides

Lavender- Lavandula angustifolia

Lemon Balm- Melissa officinalis 'Variegata'

Mojito Mint- Mentha x villosa

Iranian Poppy- Papaver bracteatum

Plantain- Plantago major 'Atropurpurea'

Lungwort- Pulmonaria officinalis

Rosemary- Rosmarinus officinalis var.
angustissimus '
Benenden Blue'

Sage- Salvia officinalis

Salad Burnet- Sanguisorba minor

Cotton Lavender- Santolina chamaecyparissus

Wood Betony- Stachys officinalis

Common Tansy- Tanacetum vulgare var. crispum

Tulipa violacea

Valerian- Valeriana officinalis

Blood Root- Wachendorfia thyrisiflora

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Long Point

During one of my afternoon breaks, I stumbled across a copy of the Otago Botanical Society's newsletter in the Garden's staff room. In it were detailed a number of upcoming trips to nearby sites of botanical interest. Cup of coffee in hand, I perused the itinerary and decided that it was high time that I went to view some of New Zealand's flora in its natural habitat. So on the morning of the 2nd of November, I dragged myself out of bed and down to the University of Otago's Botany department where I was to hitch a lift down to Long Point in the Catlins. 

Long Point is a rocky outcrop on the very south coast of New Zealand and provides a habitat for a number of coastal plants as well as seals and penguins. It is also very, very windy. Here are some snaps from the day of a few plants that we managed to stumble across.

Long Point

Ranunculus acaulis- Sand Buttercup

Celmisia lindsayi- Lindsay Daisy

Myosotis pygmaea- Flower is 2mm across

Rumex neglectus- Native NZ Shore Dock

Wee Yellow Eyed Penguin pal

Breezy Cabbage Trees (Cordyline australis)

Having worked in the Native section of the gardens for the past month and a half, getting out and about gave me some fantastic context for a number of the plants that I had become familiar with. There is really no better way to learn and gain an appreciation of nature. Thank you to the Otago Botanical Society for having me!

BGCI- Botanic Gardens Conservational International

At the start of October, the city of Dunedin played host to the fifth Botanic Garden Conservation International conference. For one week, delegates representing distinguished botanical institutions from across the globe gathered to discuss the multi-faceted roles that botanic gardens and their affiliated organisations have to play in conserving plants (and humans) worldwide. Also in attendance was myself, Craig Huggan- distinguished bystander and budding horticulturalist. With the botanic gardens all in working order, I was free to get fully involved in the BGCI. And do so, I did.

 BGCI Conference Room

Throughout the course of the conference I attended a variety of talks and seminars that spanned a vast range of topics such as tree conservation, ending world hunger, the effect of establishing a botanic garden in the Korean Demilitarized Zone and the importance of community involvement in gardens worldwide. Each talk was delivered with varying degrees of aplomb and highlighted the growing range issues faced by gardens in their astounding and innovative attempts to conserve the earth’s biodiversity whilst educating the world’s growing urban population of the importance of plants within our lives.

Never have I been so bombarded with so much information in such a relatively short space of time.  So much so that I don’t feel that I can even begin to go about condensing it all into a summary that does my time anywhere near justice.

However! A special mention must go to Chipper Wichman of the ‘National Tropical Botanic Garden of Hawaii’ who gave what was for me, the most fascinating and inspiring talk of the whole conference. Making a welcome departure from buzzwords and vague mission statements, Wichman’s plenary detailed the long and fascinating story of the Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) and the extensive work that has been done by the NTBG regarding its propagation and proliferation as a viable food for the developing world. The Breadfruit saga illustrates a powerful example of horticulture being used to benefit lives and left me feeling truly inspired. For more information, have a wee click on this link.
Breadfruit- Artocarpus altilis

Thank you to Dunedin Botanic Gardens for allowing me to attend this event. It was a unique opportunity for which I am very thankful!